
导演:Madli Lääne / 

主演:Velegai Garmai Gbolu 





热播吧为您提供2012年由Velegai Garmai Gbolu 主演,Madli Lääne 导演的《ABC》电影在线观看,《ABC》百度云网盘资源以及《ABC》高清mp4迅雷下载,《ABC》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Vele is 17 years old and all she wants is to learn how to read and write - to keep up with her seven year old daughter. After endless years of the Liberian civil war her ability to sign in her own name means the next big step towards independence - away from the painful past, into a brighter future.
Plot Summary:Vele is 17 years old and all she wants is to learn how to read and write - to keep up with her seven year old daughter. After endless years of the Liberian civil war her ability to sign in her own name means the next big step towards independence - away from the painful past, into a brighter future.
