
又名:The Fourth Wall

主演:刘陆 Lu Liu/王紫逸 Ziyi Wang

导演:张翀 张波 编剧:张翀 Chong Zhang/张波 Bo Zhang/齐皓 Hao Qi

上映日期:2021-12-10(中国大陆) / 2019-06-18(上海电影节)片长:96M


第四面墙主演:刘陆 Lu Liu/王紫逸 Ziyi Wang, 讲述一个沉浸在过去伤痛中的梅花鹿饲养员刘陆(刘陆 饰),因为一次与老同学马海(王紫逸 饰)的相遇,无意中得知平行世界里有另一个自己,她试图抓住这次与自我、家庭、世界的和解的机会,不惜解开二十年前的伤疤寻找自我救赎的故事。
LIU Lu is leading a dreary and seemingly mundane life, working at a deer breeding farm. A friend, MA Hai, keeps trying in vain to win her affections. It's as if she's isolating and banishing herself from any kind of human warmth or love. MA Hai confesses he knows another LIU Lu and another himself in a 'parallel world'. The more she learns about the other 'her', the more LIU Lu uncovers about the long suppressed memories from her past.

