
又名:Woman Sesame Oil Maker / The Women From The Lake of Scented Souls

主演:伍宇娟 Yujuan Wu/雷恪生 Kesheng Lei/斯琴高娃 Gaowa Siqin/陈宝国 Baoguo Chen

导演:谢飞 编剧:谢飞 Fei Xie



香魂女主演:伍宇娟 Yujuan Wu/雷恪生 Kesheng Lei/斯琴高娃 Gaowa Siqin/陈宝国 Baoguo Chen, 香二嫂(斯琴高娃 饰)是一位精明能干的女掌柜。她经营的香油厂获得了日本女商人的投资,可谓生意兴隆。但是,她有时也会黯然神伤,因为相夫教子令她寸断肝肠。老伴(雷恪生 饰)腿部有残疾是个酒鬼,孩子是天生的智障,这样的打击令她承受了巨大的精神压力。她唯一快乐的便是跟情人(陈宝国 饰)在一起的时光,但是他的怯懦与怕事,让她的希望逐渐破灭……   为了给傻儿子讨一个好媳妇,她曾试图让媒婆牵线搭桥,但是应征的姑娘大多相中的是她的家产。最后,她出下策生生地拆散了一对情投意合的恋人,用金钱逼迫善良的女孩环环(伍宇娟 饰)就范。然而,事情的发展却远远出乎她的意料……   本片获得1993年第43届柏林电影节最佳影片金熊奖。
If money can't buy happiness, can it at least buy control over others? Xiang is hard-working, running a small sesame oil business. Her husband is lazy and drinks; her son is blood simple. When Japanese investors provide capital to expand Xiang's business, she has the wealth to raise her social standing and buy a wife for her son, Dunzi. When money and a forceful personality fail to bend others to her will, including daughter-in-law Huanhuan, Xiang must find another way to tranquillity.

