Hairy Who & The Chicago Imagists(2014)


导演:Leslie Buchbinder / 

主演:Roger Brown Cheryl Lynn Bruce Jim Nutt Ed Paschke 

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Hairy Who & The Chicago Imagists:剧情介绍

热播吧为您提供2014年由Roger Brown Cheryl Lynn Bruce Jim Nutt Ed Paschke 主演,Leslie Buchbinder 导演的《Hairy Who & The Chicago Imagists》电影在线观看,《Hairy Who & The Chicago Imagists》百度云网盘资源以及《Hairy Who & The Chicago Imagists》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Hairy Who & The Chicago Imagists》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Chicago-Style Modern Art with Everything! In the mid 1960s, the city of Chicago was an incubator for an iconoclastic group of young artists. Collectively known as the Imagists, they showed in successive waves of exhibitions with monikers that might have been psychedelic rock bands of the era - Hairy Who, Nonplussed Some, False Image. Kissing cousins to the contemporaneous international phenomenon of Pop Art, Chicago Imagism took its own weird, wondrous, in-your-face tack. Variously pugnacious, puerile, scatological, graphic, comical, and absurd, Chicago's diverse artists followed no trend, preferring a path they ferociously cleared for themselves.
