



热播吧为您提供1996年由玛雅·摩根斯坦特 Elide Melli 扬·诺维茨基 安娜·波洛尼 Giovanni Capalbo Ileana Carini 阿德里娅娜·阿斯蒂 耶日·拉齐维沃维奇 Cintia Lodetti Nella Ammendola 茹饶·钦科齐 Ryszard Lukowski 耶日·宾奇茨基 特蕾莎·布齐什-克日扎诺夫斯卡 Marta Jankowska 埃娃·泰莱加 Stanislaw Brudny Jerzy Dominik Mariusz Leszczynski Dominika Bednarczyk Oliwia Dabrowska Lukasz Nowicki Beata Paluch 主演,玛塔·梅萨罗什 导演的《第七房间》/原名《A hetedik szoba》/又名《The Seventh Room》电影在线观看,《第七房间》百度云网盘资源以及《第七房间》高清mp4迅雷下载,《第七房间》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:This movie is based on the life of Saint Edith Stein. She was a German nun of Jewish descent who had converted to Catholicism. Much of her early life was spent as an outspoken academic. There, according to the movie, she feuded with Joseph Heller, a fellow professor with right wing beliefs. In 1933, after Jews were no longer allowed to teach, she became a nun in the Spartan-like Carmelite order. But when World War II heated up, Heller, who had become an important Nazi official, took his revenge. He had her deported to Auschwitz.
