荒唐阿姨 第六季Absolutely Fabulous(2011)


导演:Mandie Fletcher / 编剧:Jennifer Saunders


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荒唐阿姨 第六季:剧情介绍

热播吧为您提供2011年由乔安娜·拉姆利 主演,Mandie Fletcher 导演的《荒唐阿姨 第六季》/原名《Absolutely Fabulous》/又名《荒唐阿姨》影视在线观看,《荒唐阿姨 第六季》百度云网盘资源以及《荒唐阿姨 第六季》高清mp4迅雷下载,《荒唐阿姨 第六季》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Fresh out of prison after serving two years for (innocently) providing asylum seekers with false passports Saffy is unusually garlanded as a heroine by Patsy. Until Saffy brings her cell-mate Baron to stay and it turns out that Baron is Patsy's old drug dealer, to whom she owes £50,000 and Baron will not leave until she gets it. Fortunately there is a way out, though it means that Patsy will have to face up to being a pensioner and not thirty-nine, as she has claimed for so long.
