屡次缺席Absences répétées(1972)

又名:Repeated Absences


导演:Guy Gilles / 编剧:Guy Gilles

主演:Patrick Penn 丹尼尔·德洛姆 娜塔丽·德隆 





热播吧为您提供1972年由Patrick Penn 丹尼尔·德洛姆 娜塔丽·德隆 主演,Guy Gilles 导演的《屡次缺席》/原名《Absences répétées》/又名《Repeated Absences》电影在线观看,《屡次缺席》百度云网盘资源以及《屡次缺席》高清mp4迅雷下载,《屡次缺席》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Young man Francois Nole works in a Bank. Often skips a walk, and one day he never comes to work. He goes to bed and refuses stand. Francois is a heroin addict, who has lost the joy of life. Nothing could bring him back from the darkness and despair no mother, no friends, no holidays, no love. One day, he suddenly changes,it becomes cheerful and calm...
Plot Summary:Young man Francois Nole works in a Bank. Often skips a walk, and one day he never comes to work. He goes to bed and refuses stand. Francois is a heroin addict, who has lost the joy of life. Nothing could bring him back from the darkness and despair no mother, no friends, no holidays, no love. One day, he suddenly changes,it becomes cheerful and calm...
