
又名:Sparks of Fire


导演:胡杰 / 

主演:胡杰 向承鉴 孙子筠 谭蝉雪 





热播吧为您提供2013年由胡杰 向承鉴 孙子筠 谭蝉雪 主演,胡杰 导演的《星火》/又名《Sparks of Fire》电影在线观看,《星火》百度云网盘资源以及《星火》高清mp4迅雷下载,《星火》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Sparks of Fire is the only extant unofficial intellectual periodical from the time of the Great Famine. In the end, 43 people, including the Rightist teachers and students who were connected with the publication, the peasants and the rural cadres who sympathized with them, were arrested and given long prison terms. Among them, three key figures were executed during the Cultural Revolution.
Plot Summary:Sparks of Fire is the only extant unofficial intellectual periodical from the time of the Great Famine. In the end, 43 people, including the Rightist teachers and students who were connected with the publication, the peasants and the rural cadres who sympathized with them, were arrested and given long prison terms. Among them, three key figures were executed during the Cultural Revolution.
