Un Juego Propio(2023)

又名:A Game of Our Own


导演:Julia Martinez Heimann / Natalia Laclau / 


Un Juego Propio:在线播放

Un Juego Propio:最新迅雷BT资源

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Un Juego Propio:剧情介绍

热播吧为您提供2023年由未知 主演,Julia Martinez Heimann Natalia Laclau 导演的《Un Juego Propio》/原名《》/又名《A Game of Our Own》电影在线观看,《Un Juego Propio》百度云网盘资源以及《Un Juego Propio》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Un Juego Propio》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

The film is about the lives of three footballers within the context of the feminist movement. Juliana, the coach of the La Nuestra team in a low-income neighborhood in Buenos Aires; Luciana, a player from that team; and Lorena, from the National Team. Their stories intertwine toward a common goal: not one more generation of women without spaces to play.
