It's All in Your Head(2023)


导演:Dhruv Solanki / 

主演:Bhagyashree Rajpurohit Bonita Rajpurohit Deepshikha Rajpurohit Jyotsana Rajpurohit Manshree Rajpurohit 

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It's All in Your Head:剧情介绍

热播吧为您提供2023年由Bhagyashree Rajpurohit Bonita Rajpurohit Deepshikha Rajpurohit Jyotsana Rajpurohit Manshree Rajpurohit 主演,Dhruv Solanki 导演的《It's All in Your Head》/原名《》电影在线观看,《It's All in Your Head》百度云网盘资源以及《It's All in Your Head》高清mp4迅雷下载,《It's All in Your Head》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

It's All in Your Head focuses on one day in the life of six siblings in their 20s. They are rural but americanised and live in Vadodara. Together they run an online thrift store called DURTY FITS, while each hustles away individually to give some shape and meaning to their life.
Plot Summary:What if Kardashians were born in a rural Rajasthani family and lived in Baroda on a budget?
