Side Effects May Vary(2024)


导演:J.R. Bookwalter / 

主演:James L. Edwards Drew Fortier Floyd Ewing Jr. 

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Side Effects May Vary:剧情介绍

热播吧为您提供2024年由James L. Edwards Drew Fortier Floyd Ewing Jr. 主演,J.R. Bookwalter 导演的《Side Effects May Vary》电影在线观看,《Side Effects May Vary》百度云网盘资源以及《Side Effects May Vary》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Side Effects May Vary》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

With the world gripped by a deadly pandemic, science denier Glenn Rollins turns to an experimental vaccine as treatment for a lingering sickness. Much to the surprise of his doctor, wife, and friends, the remedy immediately fixes what ails him. But Glenn will soon discover the only thing more fatal than the virus... is the cure.
Plot Summary:With the world gripped by a deadly pandemic, science denier Glenn Rollins turns to an experimental vaccine as treatment for a lingering sickness. Much to the surprise of his doctor, wife, and friends, the remedy immediately fixes what ails him. But Glenn will soon discover the only thing more fatal than the virus... is the cure.
