Obamas: Une histoire d'amour, de visages et de folie(2018)


导演:Moussa Djigo / 

主演:Pierre-Antoine Lasnier Elizabeth Anne Leïla Thibeault-Louchem Lise Martin Philippe Racine Ariel Ifergan Karim Babin Luis Xavier Buylla Benoit Finley Mylène Mackay Pierre-François Bouffard Richard Ducharme René Arbour Thibaud de Corta 

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Obamas: Une histoire d'amour, de visages et de folie:剧情介绍

热播吧为您提供2018年由Pierre-Antoine Lasnier Elizabeth Anne Leïla Thibeault-Louchem Lise Martin Philippe Racine Ariel Ifergan Karim Babin Luis Xavier Buylla Benoit Finley Mylène Mackay Pierre-François Bouffard Richard Ducharme René Arbour Thibaud de Corta 主演,Moussa Djigo 导演的《Obamas: Une histoire d'amour, de visages et de folie》电影在线观看,《Obamas: Une histoire d'amour, de visages et de folie》百度云网盘资源以及《Obamas: Une histoire d'amour, de visages et de folie》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Obamas: Une histoire d'amour, de visages et de folie》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Oscar has just arrived in Montreal (in Canada) with his son Jose en route to a small city in Quebec to introduce the boy to his mother. They miss their bus and are stranded for the night in this unfamiliar city. Later, when Jose is fast asleep, restless Oscar decides to get some air. This is where he meets Diane, looking for her lost dog. They walk side by side through the night streets of Montreal. But are they really looking for a dog? Where will the twists and turns of their stroll lead them? Does Diane's husband Vincent, set out on a search for his wife, have reasons to worry? After wandering all night like tortured souls, and meeting a bunch of special characters, among whom the homeless Barack Obama himself, these three scoundrels find themselves together at the bus station in the wee hours of the morning along with dumbfounded Jose. With the help of the cold light of the rising day, all accounts can finally be settled. This film is an ode to Montreal told as an urban symphony, creating characters of the night and the city unto themselves. Oscar and Diane, both played by three actors of different ethnic backgrounds, take turns pulling us into this breathtaking tale that reveals the colorful charm of the melting-pot city of Montreal to anyone willing to look.
