Angels Never Cry(2018)


导演:Lok Kwan Woo / 

主演:Eva Oskarsdottir Jonathan Stoddard Matt Munroe Walker Mintz Brad Banacka Toni Hudson 

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热播吧为您提供2018年由Eva Oskarsdottir Jonathan Stoddard Matt Munroe Walker Mintz Brad Banacka Toni Hudson 主演,Lok Kwan Woo 导演的《Angels Never Cry》电影在线观看,《Angels Never Cry》百度云网盘资源以及《Angels Never Cry》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Angels Never Cry》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:All Theresa wants to do is paint. Unfortunately, she's going blind, and it's only a matter of time before she can never see another canvas. Her husband Eric is not supportive, and Theresa's condition wears on their marriage. One day Theresa meets James, and he's a charming devil. He sweeps her off her feet, and before she knows it, they've engaged in an affair. James is an artist, too and finally Theresa has someone who can understand her. She makes plans to leave Eric and be with James instead. But, Theresa doesn't know much about James - His alcoholic father was abusive to both James and his mother and it all came to a tragic end with his father killing his mother in front of James. Outraged, James kills his father with a hunting gun. James never really loved Theresa; she just looks strikingly similar to his mother. He's been following Theresa for some time. Waiting. Plotting. Hoping - He wanted his mother back and is certain that Theresa can replace her. And, he will do whatever is...
