Perfect Pianists at the BBC(2016)



主演:David Owen Norris 

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Perfect Pianists at the BBC:剧情介绍

热播吧为您提供2016年由David Owen Norris 主演,未知 导演的《Perfect Pianists at the BBC》电影在线观看,《Perfect Pianists at the BBC》百度云网盘资源以及《Perfect Pianists at the BBC》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Perfect Pianists at the BBC》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:David Owen Norris takes us on a journey through 60 years of BBC archive to showcase some of the greatest names in the history of the piano. From the groundbreaking BBC studio recitals of Benno Moiseiwitsch, Solomon and Myra Hess in the 1950s, through the legendary concerts of Vladimir Horowitz and Arthur Rubinstein to more recent performances including Alfred Brendel, Mitsuko Uchida and Stephen Hough, David celebrates some of the greatest players in a pianistic tradition which goes back to Franz Liszt in the 19th century. Filmed at the Cobbe Collection, Hatchlands Park.
