
导演:Chris Palmer / 

主演:Joss Ackland 





热播吧为您提供2011年由Joss Ackland 主演,Chris Palmer 导演的《有着巧克力手指的男孩》/原名《》电影在线观看,《有着巧克力手指的男孩》百度云网盘资源以及《有着巧克力手指的男孩》高清mp4迅雷下载,《有着巧克力手指的男孩》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:The story is about Donald McGlone, the boy with chocolate fingers (his fingers are made of chocolate). Because he is different, Donald has no friends and other children shun him. He grows up isolated and alone. Later he keeps a low profile working as an elevator operator, wearing gloves to conceal his secret. One day Molly, the girl he secretly adores, is trapped by a huge bear in the office. Donald gets a chance to make his difference become his greatest asset, if he is brave enough to save her. The moral of the story: If you are different, don't worry about what others may think, say or do, just be yourself and your dreams may come true.
