
又名:去看小洋葱妈妈(台) / Pecoross' Mother and Her Days


导演:森崎东 / 编剧:阿久根知昭 Tomoaki Akune/冈野雄一 Yuichi Okano/森崎东 Azuma Morisaki

主演:岩松了 赤木春惠 原田贵和子 加濑亮 竹中直人 大和田健介 松本若菜 原田知世 温水洋一 



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Pecoross Mother and Her Days 2013 BluRay 720p x264


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 Pecoross.Mother.and.Her.Days.2013.720p.BluRay.x264
2021-05-21 Pecoross.Mother.and.Her.Days.2013.720p.BluRay.x264
2019-05-12 Pecoross.Mother.and.Her.Days.2013.720p.BluRay.x264
2019-05-12 Pecoross.Mother.and.Her.Days.2013.720p.BluRay.x264


热播吧为您提供2013年由岩松了 赤木春惠 原田贵和子 加濑亮 竹中直人 大和田健介 松本若菜 原田知世 温水洋一 主演,森崎东 导演的《去见小洋葱的母亲》/原名《ペコロスの母に会いに行く》/又名《去看小洋葱妈妈(台) / Pecoross' Mother and Her Days》电影在线观看,《去见小洋葱的母亲》百度云网盘资源以及《去见小洋葱的母亲》高清mp4迅雷下载,《去见小洋葱的母亲》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

日本长崎,早已年过半百的冈野雄一(岩松了 饰)就像一个长不大的孩子,他在单位混混度日,得过且过,反倒更乐于在酒吧驻唱和创作漫画。日常里雄一和耄耋之年的母亲三枝(赤木春惠 饰)以及儿子真崎(大和田健介 饰)住在一起。爷俩外出赚钱,经常留老太太独自在家。三枝婆婆许多年前就换上了阿兹海默症,她日常里颠三倒四,状况不断,令雄一父子疲于奔命。随着老太太的病情一天天加重,雄一只得痛下决心将母亲送入专门的护理机构。三枝婆婆当下的记忆一天天衰退,而关于儿时的玩伴、早逝的丈夫(加濑亮 饰)的记忆却日渐清晰起来。老人家早已分不清过去与现在、生与死的界限。那些生命中最重要的人,依次来到了她的身边……   本片根据冈野雄一以家族故事为蓝本创作的四格漫画改编,影片荣获2013年电影旬报十佳影片第一名。
Plot Summary:Yuuichi Okano is a baby boomer born and raised in Nagasaki, Japan. His bald-head looks like a pecoross, a small onion. His Mother, Mitsue has dementia that began soon after her husband, Satoru, passed away 10 years ago... The film depicts their daily life that is full of humor and sweet sorrow. The theme of this film is nursing care and dementia that take up as serious social issue in Japan; the aging of population is advancing rapidly. But the Director, Azuma Morisaki, the age of 85, he is now the oldest active film director in Japan, got through with this film as the light and heart-warming movie.
