
又名:社长,战斗时间到! 社长,战斗时间到了!

导演:池下博紀 / 

主演:堀江瞬 市之濑加那 和气杏未 青山吉能 堀江由衣 八代拓 上坂堇 茜屋日海夏 





热播吧为您提供2020年由堀江瞬 市之濑加那 和气杏未 青山吉能 堀江由衣 八代拓 上坂堇 茜屋日海夏 主演,池下博紀 导演的《社长,战斗的时间到了!》/原名《社長、バトルの時間です!》/又名《社长,战斗时间到! 社长,战斗时间到了!》电影在线观看,《社长,战斗的时间到了!》百度云网盘资源以及《社长,战斗的时间到了!》高清mp4迅雷下载,《社长,战斗的时间到了!》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

世界的中心,盖特皮亚,过去是无边无际的荒芜不断的魔境。   女神从天而降,天空中出现了巨大的“门”。人们在“门”里发现了维持着世界的奇迹源"kirakuri"存在。   随着岁月的流逝,盖特比亚作为城市发展起来。   在"门”迷宫中专内采集"kirakuri"的宝物猎人出现。维持世界奇迹般的能量,委托给了"kirakuri"猎人的手。   主人公凑有一天突然被青梅竹马的优托莉亚叫了出来。   在抱着淡淡的期待去了那个地方,凑被优托莉亚告知了“我...我觉得你很适合当社长!”就这样继承了上一代的遗迹,凑的社长冒险生活开始了。
Plot Summary:A young man stands in front of the tremendous gates and carefully reads the message of his father. This place is the center of the world, which is also called Gatetoria. Before that, however, there had been nothing but vast wastelands. At that moment, the Goddess decided to see the human world and summon those giant gates, which began to appear in different places of the world. With the summon of the gates, people also discover a new source of energy. Later on, this resource helps develop science and becomes the reason for a huge interest of many adventuring guilds. The series focuses on Yutoria, who decides to invite a new friend to join one of the adventuring guilds. Minato, the friend who joins the guild hopes to hear a declaration of love from Yutoria, however, what he gets is a request to become the president of the guild and he cannot say 'no'. Will Minato manage to be a good president?
